Lost Battlefields - Hermann Göring the man you did not know - Part 1

Hermann Göring the man you did not know - Part 1 The beginning
The real story of Hermann Göring. The man you never knew.

Throughout history we are only taught the simplest facts of historic personalities. Usually with the taint of opinion and in this case of a former enemy. It it impossibly to even begin to understand Herman Göring the man he became without detailing his journey there, and it is truly one that would go down in history as remarkable as the one he lived in the later part of his life during the 3re Reich. And had it been any other person of history, his life and love life would have gone down in history as one of the most romantic of all time, or had it ended in 1932.
It is time to set the record straight and begin to truthfully layout the real story of Hermann Göring.

Aldebaran Video

Aldebaran Video

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